Free Online on Friday Nights

Philosophy Café

Held online via Zoom

Facilitated by Peter Whitfield

Philosophy Cafe Step1 (#5)

A weekly get together of like minded people, who want to engage or recharge their interest in the practical benefits of studying philosophy.
Free drop-in sessions on Zoom, no need to attend every week.

  • Weekly Topics

    Weekly topics taken from the philosophy courses with a focus on Practical Philosophy, and what works in ‘my’ life.

  • Breakout rooms

    Breakout rooms are allocated to allow time to meet and discuss ideas in smaller groups

  • Open minded

    Participants are encouraged neither to accept nor reject ideas, but to keep an open mind to discover what might be useful.

Online Café

Weekly online drop-in sessions via Zoom in the comfort of your own home.

Peace of Mind

A safe online space with an experienced & supportive tutor & others looking to philosophy to set them free.

Practical Wisdom

Weekly topics taken from Practical Philosophy Courses with practical wisdom for everyday living.

Free Fridays

These drop-in sessions are 100% free of charge. Just register, receive your join link and attend at 7pm Friday (UK time)

These popular Friday sessions draws on sources of wisdom from East and West, past and present, taken from our Practical Philosophy Courses.

Engage or Recharge…

Peter WhitfieldThese weekly sessions (facilitated by Peter Whitfield) let you get together with like minded people, who want to engage or recharge their interest in the practical benefits of studying and practising philosophy. 

They offer a practical means to discover fully who we are, understand how to relate to the world we live in and see what gets in the way of being happy, peaceful and free.

Attendees are invited to see life as a place to test the words of the wise through practical and mindful exercises.

Peter Whitfield has been teaching the introductory courses in Philosophy for over 30 years. His love of great stories and belief in an eternal wisdom that provides practical help to live life fully, truly and happily has helped thousands of students.

The Introductory Philosophy course has transformed so many lives and the Philosophy Café  is an opportunity for anyone, current students, past students, family or friends to come along and be inspired. 

With Peter’s facilitation, the Friday night Philosophy café promises to be a new, flourishing event. Come along, be a participant and Find Yourself, in good company.

Free drop-in sessions

Free drop-in sessions on Zoom, no need to attend every week.

  • Weekly topics taken from the philosophy courses with a focus on Practical Philosophy, and what works in ‘my’ life.

  • Breakout rooms are allocated to allow time to meet and discuss ideas in smaller groups

  • Participants are encouraged neither to accept nor reject ideas, but to keep an open mind to discover what might be useful. 

  • We will use the four principles of platonic dialogue.

Platonic dialogue


  1. Truth is the goal
  2. Be willing to be refuted
  3. Listen with full attention; give space to the other person, don’t monopolize the stage – everyone’s voice is important
  4. Ask questions

How it works

Peter Whitfield, the tutor, presents a theme of philosophical ideas, and leads a discussion based on what arises in the group. Being practical rather than academic, the emphasis is on personal knowledge and experience. Attendees are encouraged neither to accept nor reject the ideas put forward, but to test them in practice for themselves, in the light of their own experience.

Every Friday at 7pm

Peter Whitfield

Held online via Zoom. Facilitated by Peter Whitfield.


How to Register

04 February: Am I Loveable?

Do you sometimes think No one loves me or I am unworthy? Is it better to love or to be loved?

What about Unconditional Love: doesn’t unconditional love make you a doormat? Some say you need to love yourself first. What does that mean?

Come along on Friday night where you can discuss your experience, listen to others, and for 75 minutes in the company of like-minded souls seek to discover if it’s possible to be a little bit more loveable.

The Philosophy Café is free, it’s designed to be light hearted and fun, it’s open to all who register and it may have a profound positive influence on your life.

If you haven’t registered please do so to receive the zoom link, notes, email updates and reminders.

Frequently asked questions

The focus of the sessions are practical in the sense that it takes philosophical ideas and shows how they can be of direct use in our everyday lives. The intention is to stimulate enquiry and through this expand the way we look at the world and ourselves.

First you need to register by clicking the ‘Register Today’ button. You will then need to enter your details so we can email you the Zoom join link for Friday. Then join online via the Zoom application, which we use to deliver all our online sessions. Zoom is easy-to-use and can be accessed through a PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet.

Please follow this link to download Zoom onto your device. It would be beneficial to take some time to familiarise yourself with the app. This link provides guidance on the app and how to join a classroom.

No, all you need is an open and enquiring mind. The sessions are intended for everyone, regardless of education, occupation, race, political or religious belief.

What some of our students say...

philosophy course reviews
“Absolutely loving the course!! …Really changing how I think about things and life in general.”
philosophy course reviews
“...I am benefiting greatly from the content and the practical nature of it. Thank you, it is enriching my life.”
philosophy course reviews
“The daily awareness exercises … have changed my thinking and I feel more relaxed about situations in the media and other aspects of my daily life.”
philosophy course reviews
"The knowledge and experience that I have gained from the philosophy classes has helped me to discover more about myself and better prepare for dealing with life's daily surprises and challenges."